Brand Rep Program

As a Brand Rep you will promote, refer and shoot exclusively with Laura Leigh Photography. Brand Rep term is 6 months with option to renew for another 6 months if you followed the guidelines given.

Brand Rep Tasks

  • Post your sessions on social media and always tag Laura Leigh Photography with a positive post about the session (1 social media post per month Minimum)
  • refer clients my way by word of mouth and social media ISO post


  • 20% OFF all full length sessions
  • 10% off Mini sessions
  • 2 free Mini sessions in the 6 month term
  • 1 Free Holiday Mini (holiday of choice)
  • 1 Micro Mini session
  • points per successful referral to earn free sessions (Mini = 100 points , Full = 200 points)
  • redeem points (1000 points = 1 mini session, 2000 points =Full session ( 100 points can be redeemed for 1 free image) )

Do you want to become a Brand Rep?

Email me at and include the following

  • Links to ALL social Media Platforms (facebook, instagram, tik tok etc)
  • about me { things to include in your about me ` Name - Family - job - hobbies - what you would use your free shoots for- why you want to Rep }